We at Eyeconic are committed to presenting every ophthalmology office with the resources and tools they need to provide their patients with superior care. That’s why we also offer after-purchase optical equipment services. From the moment you receive your pre-owned equipment from Eyeconic till the day you decide to part ways with it. We are always here to assist you, and make sure your equipment is in top working order. Here’s what you need to know about our team and overall dedication to excellence.

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There can be several pitfalls when it comes to using specialized diagnostic machines. That’s why our team strives to make ourselves available for any installation or upkeep need. It can be a simple call to help with your equipment setup, or something more complex as diagnosing a major issue. Trouble shooting is our strong suit, and we pride ourselves in getting you up and running as quickly as possible with our ophthalmic equipment repair team.

Believe it or not, many issues these days can be resolved with a phone call, a text, logging in remotely, or even through a video call. We’ll work directly with your availability and do whatever it takes to get the results you want!

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